Melodia saptamanii: Osunlade - My Reflection

Melodia pe saptamana aceasta: Osunlade - My Reflection

You are my reflection
So all that i have to say must penetrate

You are my reflection
There's no other way to communicate
You are all i need to survive
You help to sustain my life
I don't know what i would do without you
cause if i dont breathe, you dont exist
if i dont call you by your name,
i've mis represented
my soul

You are my reflection
my smile in the morning
my healthy morning meal
my prayer in the afternoon
i call on you
i wake you up in me
deep in the sense of my being
you are indeed a reflection of me
you are my good night's rest
my full day of accomplishments
you are a constant reminder of why i'm here
you, like me, bear seeds of relief to the world
we raise good crop for the hungry souls to eat from
we, as a team, work gracefully
telling the land

you are my reflection
so here i stand with you in mind
and anytime someone smiles at me
or gives me warmth
i know that you are here
you are my sears portrait with no sitting fee
no time to rest when the world is at its knees
no time to make appointments
no time to take notice
no waiting for your name to be called
i move to the rhythm of your heartbeat

love, you are my reflection
with you i have no fear
with you there is nothing i cant bear
you are my weapon against enemies
sometimes people think im crazy
cause with you i see no boundaries
a "no limit" soldier
a woman who's bear fruit and named him after

love with you is real
i have no doubt
cause everytime i speak a hint of fresh air flows out.

Melodia saptamanii: Dj Sneak - Fix my sink

Saptamanal voi posta cate o super-melodie.
Incep acum cu: Dj Sneak - Fix my sink

She said - we're gonna beat this now baby, uh-huh, come on
She said fix my sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk
Do what you gotta do, she said fix my sink
She said fix my sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk
Do what I gotta do, you better fix that sink

You know fuzzy fuzzy, it was a good thing, it was a beautiful day outside
The sun was shining, I get a phone call, I get a phone call
It was from the pretty lady on the other side, she said, she said baby
Baby I want you to come over and fix my sink, ha-ha
She said fix my sink, I said fix your sink
She said fix my sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk
Do what you gotta do and fix that sink
And she said fix that sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk
Do what you gotta do, you better fix that sink

Fix that sink on the left and I fix that sink on the right
And I fix that sink on the floor and I fix that sink all night
And I fix that sink to the left and I fix that sink to the right
And I fix that sink on the floor and I fix that sink all night

So I got, I got my tool belly, I got my tool and I went over to my baby's house
And we can a - you know fix that sink she said
She said come over baby, baby I've been waiting for you
Where you been when I'm comin' down
She said fix my sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk
Do what you gotta do and fix that sink, ya'll
She said fix that sink, funk my funk, walk my walk, talk my talk
Do what I do, and fix that sink

So I came over and I said baby, where's the leak
I know that you're, you're tubes need a boiling
You need to ah, you need to have you're ah, sink fixed
She said fix my sink, I said fix that sink, she said fix that sink
I said fix that sink-acap

Maimutoi fara creier

Am vazut la stiri, Antena 1, ca unii suporteri nu au avut acces la un meci de fotbal deoarece nu aveau la ei buletinul/cartea de identitate. Respectivii idioti au inceput sa strige apoi chestii de genul "libertate pentru suporteri", "mitica la puscarie" etc.

Cine are cunostinte in randul acestor maimutoi si are si timpul si rabdarea necesara sa le explice ca in orice tara civilizata accesul pe stadion se face pe baza unor acte de identitate si ca asta se numeste civilizatie si nu ingradire, il rog din suflet sa o faca.

Pana atunci,
Sanatate, numa' bine!

Cat costa un km parcurs cu masina?

Daca ai sti ca un km parcurs cu masina costa

0.34 euro

ai mai duce pe cineva "pan' la gara" pt o bere?

Calcul l'am facut pentru un Megane achizitionat astfel, cu un consum de 8.4 l/100km si pentru un rulaj de 100 000 de km in 5 ani (am adaugat si rca, impozit, revizii si alte prostii ce mai costa cativa banuti).

Mai exact, pana acum ma gandeam ca fac o mica afacere daca duc pe cineva pana acasa si inapoi, la vreo 100 de km de Bucuresti (ca dracului prieten bun e banditu asta). Faceam calcul simplu: 2 (00km) x 8 x 1.15 x 1.1 = 20 euro (dus intors).
La un calcul mai atent: 200 x 0.34 = 68 euro (dus intors).

Asadar, practic, puneam din buzunarul meu 48 de euro!!

Frate frate, da' branza'i pe bani!